16 April 2009

life..people and patient

In life we cannot live alone...
we need poeple for some reasons,however when the relationship got problems we find that better for us to live alone...
No heart to be hurt,no person will be hurted,no need to think about hurt or hurting...
But it is not possible because no one in this world can live alone...
To be hurt by someone else or have hurt someone else is the nature of life...how to stand it? only ourselves know the suitable ways to face it...for me, i do like to get advice from someone that really close to me,i will tell that person the truth of the situation and she will give me advice to face the problem.
Just like now, i have been hurted by someone that i really care and without intentionally i have hurt someone else...
than i send a message to my closest friend at MESIR to get advice from her...
this is what she had said to me:

"dear friend, patient is the drug of choice for any deases because everything had planned by ALLAH. And ALLAH always wait for those who keep patience to overcome any obstacles. Lets think together,'Wahai insan, kau buatlah apa yang kau suka ke atasku kerana kau berniat untuk menyakitiku atau merampas kebahagiaanku. Tapi sedarlah wahai insan, kebahagianku berada dalam hatiku dan hatiku milik penciptaku. Kau hanya boleh merampas dariku bila kau berjaya mendampingi penciptaku.' yakinlah ALLAH menyayangimu,maka hatimu di uji dengan disakiti."

this message have make me think that,life is nothing,hurt is nothing if our heart is belong to ALLAH...
hurt is nature of life and only ALLAH have the way to cure it...love ALLAH will bring patient to face difficulty in life...
lets think it together....
Sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui....
thanks ALLAH for give me a friend that really help me so much...

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